Do You Ask God for Energy?

Do You know that God is interested in the smallest tasks you face and He is willing to help if you will ask Him? 

As parents, we chronically find ourselves at the end of our patience, kindness, and energy. The small daily frustrations of parenting can quickly build to agitation and outright anger. Our children’s slow pace, mess, resistance and rebellion can eat away at our serenity and sanity over time.

My hat's off to you courageous stay-at-home, and homeschooling parents. I know that my role is easier working outside the home. My husband who stays with our children has the heavier part of the load.

God cares about those daily moments that deplete your patience and whittle away at your self-control. We have all overreacted with a harsh tone and regrettable words when those mini frustrations build. 

The power of the Holy Spirit is available to us to replenish kindness when we have hit the wall. God wants to refuel us with His supernatural help. I previously turned to Him only in the bigger decisions of my life. But when I learned that God is ready to provide moment-by-moment grace to sustain us, my prayer life began to change. So how can we tap into that divine help?

  1. God's grace is available through His Word. Small touches with Scripture, even just a few minutes per day, can fill up the tank. 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

  2. We can turn to Him frequently throughout the day. "Lord, I am growing frustrated and this situation is driving me crazy. Please help me stay kind."

  3. We can ask our spouse and children to pray for us by vulnerably admitting our need. "Guys, I'm feeling crabby and worn out. Would you please ask God to help me?"

These have become daily practices for me because I am needy and limited on my own. I find that when I ask for grace in order to keep serving others (and nap 1-2 times per week), God's sustaining power carries me through.

Please share this article with someone else who needs the encouragement. And in the Comments below, share with me one of the things that drives you crazy in parenting. I will pray over that situation for you.


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