Screen Recommendations
Digital content can be divided into four categories. Enriching material is clean, inspiring, and usually educational. Neutral content is clean, fun, and entertaining. Vapid content is entertaining but has questionable value. Pernicious material is unhealthy. Examples include pornography, graphic violence, and horror. It takes a toll on emotional and spiritual health over time.
I recommend that we steer our children to primarily Enriching and Neutral content. It is important that we keep our own content clean if we are going to ask our children to do the same.
It can be difficult to find trustworthy shows that are attractive enough to keep our children’s attention. Here are my top 4 recommendations that are both fun, engaging, and teach us important lessons about God, the Bible, and sacrificing for others.
Part of our motivation in viewing these Biblically based shows is the fact that getting a touch with scripture at least 4 times per week decreases the likelihood of addictive, destructive, and unhealthy behavior. There is research that shows a strong correlation between the frequency of engaging with Scripture and the growth of character and self-control. If we want to raise healthy children, getting them a dose of God’s Word several times per week is the most effective way to do so.
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