What services do you provide?

Digitally-Balanced Parent Training: Dr. Alice Benton has a created a 10-session video training program for parents trying to navigate child-rearing in this digital age. The training program provides research-based & biblically-supported strategies to help build relationships both on and offline, in order to protect and prepare children for the digital world.

Parent Community: You are invited to plug into the motivation, support, grace, and energy available in our Digital Parent Community. Here, Dr. Alice Benton provides teaching and inspiration to help you further apply the principles of the Parent Training Program on a regular basis.

Overall Health & Wellness: This is an ongoing group that receives daily support, training, tips, and motivation from Dr. Alice Benton.

What are your fees?

Digitally-Balanced Parent Training (10 sessions): $99 - at your own pace
Access to Private Online Parent Community: $20 / month
Weekly Zoom Sessions w/ Small Process Group + Dr. Alice Benton: $80 / session

Do you take insurance?

Although Dr. Alice Benton is not paneled with any insurance companies, she can, however, provide you with a superbill. Some insurance companies will provide reimbursement. You can call your insurance company directly to ask about rates of reimbursement for out-of-network providers.