Prevent Addiction Through Screen Free Family Dinners

Did you know that regular family dinners help prevent addictive behavior? Teens who eat with their families at least three times per week are more likely to avoid substance use. They are more likely to get better grades and they report lower stress levels. In families with regularly shared supper time, teens are more likely to report having an”excellent” relationship with their parents. Children in these families are more likely to attend weekly spiritual worship services. All of these are protective factors against misbehavior and addiction1.

Regular family meals are a tall order for single parents and parents who work a second shift. 41% of teens report that their families do not have frequent meals together2. The underlying power is not the meal itself, but rather the relational engagement that takes place during dinner. Children who report having a close relationship with their parents tend to perform better in most areas and avoid addictive and delinquent behavior. So, even if you cannot have dinner together, you can still tap into the power described here by carving out screen free face-to-face time with your children.

Only about 20% of families report having screen-free meals3. We must not allow screens to interfere with this precious and powerful family ritual. So, commit that as a parent you will begin to safeguard the meal table by leaving your smartphone elsewhere. After modeling this behavior for your children for a week or two you can then ask for and/or require the same of them. Clear the way for improved relationship and increased protection from addictive behavior. It is worth the effort. 


  1. CASAColumbia. (September, 2012). The Importance of Family Dinners VIII.

  2. CASAColumbia. (September, 2012). The Importance of Family Dinners VIII.

  3. Vodafone. (November, 2021). Digital Downtime: Research Reveals Only One-in-Five Families Have a Daily Screen-Free Dinnertime.,elease/digital-downtime-research-dinnertime-skill/


Digital Detox


Screen Addiction: Parent Child Influence