Digital Detox

Do you feel anxiety when you read those words, Digital Detox? Most of us are uncomfortable with the idea of having limited or zero access to our screens. Many adolescents say they couldn’t survive a day without their phones. Screen Abstinence is unattractive. And yet, we are probably all aware that unplugging would be good for us and our families. Research reveals that decreasing screen use leads to numerous benefits. Stepping away from our screens by just decreasing the number of hours we use them per day, or by shutting them down entirely tends to lead to a decrease in procrastination, perceived stress, and cortisol levels (the body’s stress hormone). People who experience moderate to significant depression and anxiety report a reduction in symptoms after spending less time on their smartphones. An increase in overall life satisfaction has been shown to result from decreased screen use. 

There are multiple forms of digital detox. There is a National Day of Unplugging celebrated on March 3rd. The 24/6 Philosophy recommends powering down devices one day per week. Digital Detox Camps assists campers to stay away from their screens for several days up to several weeks. 

Would you introduce the idea of decreasing or eliminating screen use to your family just to open up a family discussion? Ask if they would ever consider any level of digital detox. Ask which apps or digital activities would be the most difficult to pause. Even if your family is not willing to digitally detox, would you lead the way by testing it out yourself?

To ease your way toward a full day or more of unplugging you might consider the following:

  1. Temporarily delete frequently used apps from your phone such as social media and YouTube. 

  2. Turn your phone to grayscale to decrease the appeal.

  3. Turn off push notifications. 

  4. Set a nighttime curfew for your screen use at least 30 minutes before you lie down.

  5. Share your goals with an accountability partner.

Let me know your reactions to these challenges and how your family responds. Please share with other family and friends who could benefit from this challenge. 


Radtke, Theda & Apel, Theresa & Schenkel, Konstantin & Keller, Jan & von Lindern, Eike. (2021). Digital detox: An effective solution in the smartphone era? A systematic literature review. Mobile Media & Communication. 10. 205015792110286. 10.1177/20501579211028647.


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