Overwhelmed? Discover how to Recover.

  1. Do you maintain awareness of your fuel tank level?

  2. Are you able to care for yourself before it is too late?

  3. And do you know how to refuel well?

Many of us remain oblivious to the condition of our limited resources including our energy, patience, and kindness. We don’t manage these resources well enough, so we are caught by surprise when we run out. And then we lash out. When we are too tired our ability to respond well to frustrating situations crumbles. In the Worn Out Zone, we are more likely to get that snarky tone of voice and to say nasty little things in response to people who irritate us (usually our children and spouse).

Pride can keep us from admitting that we are running on empty and need to refuel. Ignorance can keep us blind to the activities that will properly refuel us. Admittedly, we all occasionally turn to: binge watching shows, finishing off all the chocolate, and downing one too many drinks. These activities do provide some brief comfort, but they do not refuel us in a way that will equip us to handle life again well. So, where should we turn?

  • Rest: It has taken me years to be able to admit that I need a 2 hour nap once a week. I become an ugly version of myself if I don’t protect the necessary time and space to nap. Typically, I must fight a wave of guilt that I am stepping away from my family’s needs. But I remind myself that the rested me loves better.

  • Healthy Escape from Reality: We all need to unplug from the pressure and weight of reality. But we must be cautious about what we allow to fill our minds and souls. Zombie shows keep me in suspenseful anticipation, but they also ratchet up my anxiety and depression. I’ve found a genre of books that are inspiring, uplifting, and comforting.

  • Prayer: We have a God who promises to be our fuel source if we ask. But we have to ask.

    • God, help me to do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13).

    • I put my hope in you Lord, please renew my strength (Isaiah 40:31).

What is your unhealthy pull when you fall into your Worn Out Zone? What helps you to refuel?


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