Triumph Over Anxiety

How long will our toilet paper supply last? Will our savings stretch far enough to pay our bills? Will my husband, our children, and I be able to put up with each other without going crazy during this confinement? Will our elderly family members survive this? Are these and many other questions sending your anxiety levels through the roof, keeping you up at night, and depleting your patience and frustration tolerance? If so I want to help you access peace despite your circumstances.

  1. Don’t keep your fears to yourself. But choose wisely with whom you will disclose your anxiety. Fear is best calmed by validation, empathy, and support. If your listener is too quick to give unsolicited advice, tell you your fears are unrealistic, or give you a pat answer like, “just don’t worry about it!” then I beg you to seek another listener. Unasked for advice, minimization of your worry, or superficial comfort tend to make us clam up, which keeps us anxious.

  2. Become aware of the spiritual influence that is likely exacerbating your anxiety. I believe in spirits of anxiety that are an enemy of humanity. These spirits can access our minds and bodies. They can trigger those questions with which I started this article. They seem to love to wake us up around 3am and stick us on that loop of endless worry, keeping us awake for the rest of the night. The two best ways to triumph over these tactics are through spiritual warfare prayer and meditation on God’s promises. These prayers are backed by Supernatural Divine Power, guaranteed. So, please pray the following as often as necessary:

    • I do not align myself with a spirit of fear. God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) I rebuke you, spirit of fear, in the name of Jesus. I bind you and cast you away by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    • God, I claim your promise to meet all of my needs through your glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). So, I give my worry about my toilet paper supply and the dwindling money in the bank to You. Show me Your faithfulness.

Who is your best listener? What is your favorite prayer or verse for anxiety?


When Did You Last Apologize to Your Children?