Understanding & Loving Your Child in a Screen-Saturated World.

Let’s talk about technology.

Are you feeling pressured to purchase the latest and greatest devices for your children?

Do you question how much screen time they should be allowed?

Do you worry about the violence and sexual content to which your children will be exposed?

Does your children’s screen use feel out of control?

You are not alone.

Join me in learning the best, tried and true, research-based strategies to manage parenting in this digital era. I will teach you the techniques that give the best chance for success for your children on- and off-screen for years to come.

My clients, my own family, and I are enjoying increasing confidence and serenity as we reclaim authority over our screens, improve relationships with our children, and re-establish our standards. I have created a Digital Parent Community and Parent Training Course that will not only teach and train you, but will also provide you with daily support as you learn and practice the most up-to-date strategies. Our community is growing and our parents are experiencing significant success.

Parents, we can do this.